The Farmdeals team are delighted to announce our latest supplier to join the platform. Neogen.
Neogen are a leader in biosecurity, animal safety, genomics, animal welfare and general hygiene. Rigorously testing products and constantly investing in new tech to ever improve their range, Neogen products are truly top of the line.
Here’s some information about the range on sale and what they can do for your dairy operations.
Why use Hoofshield?
Proof is in the pictures.

Through a 7 day trial on a farm in Cumbria, the improvement in hoof condition was remarkable. All through the addition of Hoofshield Advance, inside their hoof management routine.
The average cost of lameness can be £180 per cow, equating to almost £15,000 for an average dairy herd. Not only does it cause a cost in treating but, it also affects the cows daily activity, leading to a drop in milk production.
Neogen’s Hoofshield range is a specially formulated footbath product that not only protects your herds hoofs but also your wallets.
Excellent hoof conditioning
Broad spectrum disinfection
Vibrant colour indicator
Why use their teat dips?

Ensuring quality udder health and preventing infection spread should be a priority throughout the milking process. Neogen’s teat dips are designed by leading experts and researchers to kill surface pathogens and prevent new pathogens entering the teat canal.
Neogen teat dips are proven to kill surface pathogens and preventing pathogens entering the teat canal pre and post milking. Helping to prevent mastitis.
Overall Neogens teat dips are:
Established formulations with proven efficacy
Designed for end-user convenience
Consistent in manufacturing quality and field testing
Why use their hygiene range?
Maintaining a clean and disinfected environment is crucial for your daily dairy hygiene practices. Inadequate cleaning can heighten the risk of disease and pathogen transmission.
Neogen’s hygiene range are specifically designed to achieve optimal standards in all types of milking parlours and bulk tanks.
What else is available?
Teat dip
Hoof care
Bulk Tank and Circulation Cleaners
Surface Cleaners
Robotic/AMS Milking Parlour cleaners
Cluster Flush
Powder CIP
If you would like to purchase Neogen products through Farmdeals. Log in or sign up by clicking here.